Saturday, 3 September 2016

How to make limoncello!

Limoncello made at Masseria Cesarina

Limoncello is a lemon flavoured digestif typically made in Southern Italy and is an absolute favourite of ours.

Usually when you order a limoncello at the end of a meal the waiter will leave you with the bottle and you pay an overall price, a nice touch.

It's also surprisingly easy to make at home. You just need a few lemons, some water, sugar and some vodka or pure alcohol - and about 10 days to let the zest soak.

Our friends at Masseria Cesarina B&B in Castellana Grotte have been making their own limoncello for years now and told us - loosely - how they make it.

The taste will differ depending on factors such as the lemons (nothing can beat the ginormous vibrant lemons you find on the Amalfi coast for example), the water quality and the alcohol you use to ferment the zest. Below is a rough guideline for you to experiment with.

You will need:

Fermenting at Masseria Cesarina
  • 5 organic lemons
  • 500ml of pure alcohol or vodka
  • 5 cups water 
  • 5 cups sugar
  • A big glass jar like the one in the picture to the right


  • Zest the lemons - use a knife or peeler, not a grater
  • Pop them into the jar and add the alcohol 
  • Leave for 10 days
  • Boil the sugar and water to make a syrup
  • Once the syrup is cooled pour into the jar and stir until mixed
  • Serve chilled!

If you've made the limoncello with pure alcohol you can keep it in the freezer without it freezing, making it easy to serve as and when. The colder it is, the better. Enjoy!